The League Amplifies the Voices of Muslim Communities on Anti-Islamophobia Day

The General Assembly of the United Nations hosted His Excellency the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League and the Chairman of the Muslim Scholars’ Association, Dr. Mohammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, as a keynote speaker to mark the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.
During his visit to the UN headquarters in New York, Dr. Al-Issa engaged in bilateral discussions with the President of the General Assembly, Mr. Volkan Bozkir, focusing on the rise of Islamophobia and other shared concerns. His invitation to address the Islamic nations in person at the United Nations reflects the league’s international influence and respect, highlighting its efforts in combating Islamophobia and hate speech globally.
In his keynote address commemorating the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, Dr. Al-Issa emphasized that Islamophobia poses a serious threat by fueling hate speech and dangerous practices. He stressed that this issue does not only harm Muslims but also fosters extremism and division within religiously diverse communities, hindering the achievement of inclusive citizenship as enshrined in civilized constitutions, laws, principles, and international norms. Dr. Al-Issa pointed out the ongoing harm and crimes against Muslims, citing reliable statistics and cases of marginalization and denial of human rights for Muslim communities.
He further elaborated on the root causes of Islamophobia and highlighted the positive interaction of nearly two billion Muslims with diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, guided by the Islamic call for human fellowship. Underscoring that Islamophobia is not just a religious matter but a global humanitarian issue threatening societal harmony and peace, he defended human principles rather than Islam alone.
Dr. Al-Issa rejected the targeting of religious followers based on hatred, racism, categorization, or exclusion. He denounced hate-mongering electoral slogans, fear tactics for political gain, divisive policies, racist media, platforms promoting discord, misinformation, false links between terrorism and a religion followed by billions, and religious extremists distorting the true essence of faith. He advocated for truth, rejected fear of others based on religious or ethnic differences, and urged building a tolerant and loving world.
Calling on the international community to prioritize tolerance and love in global affairs, Dr. Al-Issa emphasized the vital role of educational and cultural institutions in cultivating present and future awareness, especially among the youth.
Representatives from member states of the United Nations then spoke on behalf of their governments’ efforts to combat Islamophobia, reinforcing the collective commitment to address this pressing issue.