
2,401 Mining Licenses Valid Until the End of 2024

In 2024, the special bulletin on mining sector indicators issued by the National Center for Industrial and Mining Information under the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Wealth reported that the number of valid mining licenses by the end of the year reached 2401. These licenses include mining licenses, exploration licenses, survey licenses, quarry licenses for building materials, and small mining licenses. This is part of the ministry’s efforts to develop the mining sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and achieve the targets of Vision 2030, where mining is intended to become a third pillar in the Saudi industry and a significant source of income diversification in the national economy.

The bulletin indicated that by the end of 2024, there were a total of 1,481 quarry licenses for building materials, 642 exploration licenses, and 215 small mining and quarry exploitation licenses. Additionally, there were 41 survey licenses and 22 licenses for surplus mineral reserves by the end of the year. The bulletin serves to monitor the mining sector indicators, current licenses, and new licenses in various regions of the kingdom, enhancing transparency in the sector and enabling investors and decision-makers to make informed decisions based on accurate and clear information.

The National Center for Industrial and Mining Information is a reliable and accurate source of information, statistics, and reports on the industrial and mining sectors in the kingdom. The center focuses on achieving data integration, coherence, and quality, tracking its variables regularly.

It is worth mentioning that the mining investment environment in the kingdom has been the fastest growing in the world in recent years due to competitive advantages in the sector. These advantages include the ease of issuing mining licenses in a short period compared to the global average, incentives and opportunities provided to investors, and the availability of geological data electronically.

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