
Ministry of Education Opens Applications for 10,494 Contract Positions across All Departments

The Ministry of Education has announced the opening of applications for 10,494 educational positions under a local contracting system in all public education departments for the academic year 1447 AH. This opportunity is open to all graduates in specific fields to meet the schools’ needs for teachers. The application process for these educational positions will begin on Friday, 07 Ramadan 1446 AH and end on Wednesday, 12 Ramadan 1446 AH for male applicants. Female applicants can apply from Friday, 14 Ramadan 1446 AH to Wednesday, 19 Ramadan 1446 AH, following the regulations of the Civil Service Human Resources Executive Regulations.

The announced educational positions are for “Practicing Teachers” in various specialties to address the shortage of educators in schools. After completing the application requirements and meeting the selection criteria, initial nominations will be announced on Sunday, 23 Ramadan 1446 AH. Personal interviews and document verification for the educational positions will take place on Tuesday, 01 Dhu al-Qi’dah 1446 AH at the designated public education department locations. The final nomination results for both male and female applicants will be announced on Sunday, 02 Safar 1447 AH, after meeting all the job requirements according to the public education department’s procedures.

The final selection among candidates will be based on specific criteria including cumulative GPA (10%), graduation seniority (10%), professional license exam score for the year (30%), and professional license exam score for the specialization (50%). The announcement of the application process for educational positions under the local contracting system aligns with the Ministry of Education’s future directions. It is part of the educational system transformation to attract qualified educational personnel. This aims to enhance learning outcomes and improve the quality of education through professional excellence and the implementation of standardized measuring tools. It also emphasizes the need for professional development through mandatory programs and courses provided by the National Institute for Educational Professional Development to ensure the qualification of teachers with professional licenses.

For more information on available specializations and further details, interested individuals can visit the Ministry of Education’s website through the following link: https://www.moe.gov.sa/ar/aboutus/sectors/hr/PublishingImages/33.jpg.

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