
Transport Authority Seizes 5 Foreign Trucks Violating Regulations Inside the Kingdom in Ongoing Compliance Campaign

The General Authority of Transport in the kingdom intensified their inspections on foreign trucks to ensure compliance with regulations. During their field visits, they seized 5 foreign trucks illegally transporting goods within cities without proper permits. Each truck was fined 10,000 SAR and impounded. The Authority emphasized that they will not tolerate violations and will strictly enforce penalties, starting with a fine of 10,000 SAR and a 15-day impoundment for first-time offenders.

Subsequent offenses will result in increased fines and longer impoundment periods, up to 160,000 SAR for the fifth violation. Severe penalties, including confiscation of the violating trucks, are reserved for repeat offenders who deliberately flout regulations. The Authority’s rigorous field campaigns across the kingdom aim to identify and address violations, strengthen transport sector oversight, promote fair competition, and support national carriers.

These efforts align with the Authority’s commitment to effectively apply regulations, enhance logistics sector efficiency, and achieve national transport and logistics service strategy objectives. The ultimate goal is to elevate the sector and enhance its competitiveness domestically and internationally.

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